
IPA: tʃʊrˈigɛrˈɛsk

Root Word: Churrigueresque


  • (architecture) Relating to a Spanish baroque architectural style that started in the late 17th century to the early 18th century; characterized by flamboyant ornamentation
  • Alternative form of Churrigueresque [(architecture) Relating to a Spanish baroque architectural style that started in the late 17th century to the early 18th century; characterized by flamboyant ornamentation]

Examples of "churrigueresque" in Sentences

  • Experts from New York and London had termed our cathedral 'the acknowledged masterpiece of churrigueresque design.'
  • My father, who did not much like churrigueresque flamboyance, replied, - Mey might use it as a model for a wedding cake, but hardly for a church. '
  • It's facade is intricately carved in the style known as churrigueresque, common here because of the Spanish influence that dates back for centuries.
  • Art: You can find several neoclasic altarpieces, oil paintings and a chapel dedicated to the Rosario´s Virgin with a singular churrigueresque wooden altarpiece.
  • And in 1760 it was an Archbishop Palafox who tore down the old faqade of the cathedral, replacing it with the rns ble churrigueresque masterpiece of which I have already spoken.
  • It consists of carved rock in a style called "churrigueresque" and, besides being very beautiful, is interesting because it mixes traditional Catholic symbols with classic Inca symbols.
  • Automobiles and buses travel end on end all day, and in the cemetery itself there are lemonade stands and tintype photographers making a splendid day on arm-in-arm lovers and family groups backed by a pretentious marble slab or a churrigueresque flower arbor.
  • My father, who did not much like churrigueresque flamboyance, replied, 'They might use it as a model for a wedding cake, but hardly for a church.' in this matter I sided with my mother, and although later I was to see such awe-inspiring cathedrals as Chartres and Salisbury, I always thought that our cathedral in Toledo was the most angelic I had ever seen.

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