IPA: km
Root Word: CM
- (Canada) A member of the Order of Canada.
- (India) Initialism of chief minister. [The leader of government in many semi-autonomous and constituent federal states.]
- (Japan) Initialism of commercial message.
- (chess) Initialism of Candidate Master.
- (astronautics) Initialism of command module. [A section of a manned spacecraft in which the astronauts live and operate the craft.]
- (cryptography) Initialism of cryptographic module.
- (engineering, uncountable) Initialism of configuration management.
- (military) Initialism of cruise missile. [A missile designed for guided flight over the full course of its path.]
- (music, archaic) Initialism of common meter. [(hymnody) A hymn metre characterized by a quatrain of alternating lines of iambic tetrameter and iambic trimeter.]
- (medicine) Initialism of College of Medicine.
- (US, astronautics) Initialism of Command Module (“Apollo Command Module”).
- Abbreviation of centimorgan. [(biology) A length of chromosome in which an average of 0.01 crossover occurs per generation.]
Examples of "cm" in Sentences
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