
IPA: koʊɫˈʌmbiʌn

Root Word: Columbian


  • An inhabitant of any place called Columbia.
  • (dated or poetic) An American, a person from the United States of America.
  • A stamp from the Columbian Issue stamps.
  • (uncountable, US printing, dated) A size of type between English and great primer, standardized as 16-point.
  • Misspelling of Colombian. [A person from Colombia or of Colombian descent.


  • Of or pertaining to Christopher Columbus, an explorer who introduced greatly widened contacts between Eurasia and the Americas, or his life or time.
  • Of or from any of the places called Columbia.
  • (dated or poetic) American, from the United States of America
  • Misspelling of Colombian. [Of, from, or pertaining to Colombia, its people or language.]

Examples of "columbian" in Sentences

  • Life would be dull without the crazy columbian on the airwaves.
  • I enjoyed reading that, too bad they cut out the columbian connection.
  • Comments like those from "columbian" and "wtf" are draggin down the blog.
  • The new left has made complete fiction of the population estimates for the Americas in pre-columbian times.
  • Hes also responsible for nafta, and the so called columbian deal that he and penn made 800000 dollars from (each).
  • Old FN mauser 98/30.06 with columbian crest. full military that I sporterized in 8th grade wood working class in school.
  • Peter Paul Vs. Clintons, $800,000 columbian deal, NAFTA ....... we cannot backslide and a vote for the Clintons would be just that.
  • In American Indian tribes, from pre-columbian times until recent history, humans self-identified as "The People," in their respective languages.
  • June 12th, 2008 2: 27 pm ET this is the same mark penn who was meeting with the columbian lobbyists about a trade agreement that clinton supposedly wasn't in support of. get a haircut dude.

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