
IPA: kʌnfˈɛdɝʌsi

Root Word: Confederacy


  • (historical) The Confederate States of America, the collection of American states that seceded from the United States in 1860–61, and fought against the Union in the American Civil War.
  • An alliance.
  • (politics) A state where the sovereign constituent units delegate their authority to the centre. As opposed to a federation, where the central and regional governments are each equal and sovereign in their own sphere.
  • Specifically, an instance of a decentralized governing structure among the indigenous peoples of North America.

Examples of "confederacy" in Sentences

  • Any attempt to seperate slavery and confederacy is folly.
  • That flag and the confederacy is a sign of racism and pro-slavery.
  • To black people (myself being one) – the confederacy is akin to nazi germany.
  • This in-between structure is called a confederacy, and it is something that was tried and which failed in North America on two occasions, most recently in 1865.
  • I always find it funny that Republicans are the first to scream how unpatriotism people are, and yet supporting the confederacy is the most unpatriotic thing you can do.
  • He waited and thought and toiled, until war had educated the great leaders and the veteran host that have, within the last two years, swept the armed confederacy from the earth.
  • While wiping all mention of the confederacy from the books is slightly overboard, proclaiming the confederacy as a point of pride is appropriate, after all do we have "Happy English Colony" history month?
  • Again were they driven and scattered by our forces upon the land, and it was but as yesterday that the flower of their army surrendered; and now, powerless and stricken, the Southern confederacy is cursed of God and forsaken by man.

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