IPA: sˈipiˈɛs
Root Word: CPS
- (telecommunications) Initialism of characters per second.
- (video games) Initialism of clicks per second.
- (US) Initialism of child protective services.
- Initialism of clean plate syndrome.
- (US) Initialism of Current Population Survey.
- (computing) Initialism of cyber-physical system.
- (functional programming, uncountable) Initialism of continuation-passing style. [(programming) A style of programming in which every user function f takes an extra argument c known as a continuation. Whenever f would normally return a result r to its caller, it instead returns the result of applying the continuation to r.]
- (UK, law) Initialism of Crown Prosecution Service.
- (UK politics) Initialism of Centre for Policy Studies.
- Initialism of character(s) per second.
Examples of "cps" in Sentences
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