
IPA: krt

Root Word: CRT


  • (electronics, computing, becoming dated) A display device using a cathode ray tube, such as early televisions or monitors.
  • (mathematics) Initialism of Chinese remainder theorem. [(number theory) A theorem stating that, if one knows the remainders of the Euclidean division of an integer n by several integers, then one can determine uniquely the remainder of the division of n by the product of these integers, under the condition that the divisors are pairwise coprime.]
  • (electronics, computing) Initialism of cathode ray tube. [(electronics) A vacuum tube that displays still or moving images (such as for a television), by controlling the direction of a cathode ray emitted towards the front of the tube. The front is coated by a layer of fluorescent material, so that it emits light when struck by the beam.]
  • (software) Initialism of C runtime.
  • (law enforcement) Initialism of crisis response team. [(law enforcement) a group of individuals trained to provide trauma mitigation and education in the aftermath of a critical incident]
  • (social sciences) Initialism of critical race theory. [A movement in academia involving the application of critical theory to issues surrounding the interaction between racial dynamics and social and legal power.]
  • (Australia) Initialism of casual relief teacher.

Examples of "crt" in Sentences

  • About 4 years ago I purchased a sony widescreen crt television.
  • July 23, 2009 at 2:11 pm oh dear crt, missing the point of the humour are we?
  • I don't know if it was a crt or lcd but I know my lcd monitor has usb and memory card ports on it.
  • And there are some places that will actually charge you a fee, for example to take a working crt screen.
  • The only one that was sold at deep discount was a crt based Samsung 34″ hdtv that took two guys to carry, but by then the 13″ deep rear projection TVs were taking hold.
  • May 22, 2009 at 7:46 AM how about replacing that crt and stacking some of those external peripherals or putting them on the floor. but i guess that's too simple/practical to impress the ladies..
  • May 22, 2009 at 7: 46 AM how about replacing that crt and stacking some of those external peripherals or putting them on the floor. but i guess that's too simple/practical to impress the ladies ..
  • Though in my own defence I pointed out to one such place that since they were almost certain to resell it – when I came through the door the crt was still in the back of my car and they tried to sell me one – at which point they graciously agreed to take it off my hands for nothing.

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