
IPA: kv

Root Word: CV


  • (anime) character's voice (“voice actor”)
  • (US, navy) aircraft carrier (“Cruiser Voler”), a diesel-powered warship launching and landing heavier than air flying vehicles (a nuclear-powered one is a CVN)
  • Initialism of curriculum vitae. [(Britain) A written account of one's life comprising one's education, accomplishments, work experience, publications, etc.; especially, one used to apply for a job.]
  • (military) Initialism of combat vehicle.
  • Abbreviation of cellevision. [An electronic communication medium that allows the transmission of visual images, and often sound, to wireless handheld electronic devices.]
  • (philately) Initialism of catalog value.
  • (phonetics) Initialism of cardinal vowel. [(phonetics) a vowel sound produced when the tongue is in an extreme position, either front or back, high or low.]
  • (astronomy) Initialism of cataclysmic variable.
  • (business) Initialism of countervailing.
  • (statistics) Initialism of cross-validation. [(statistics) Any technique or instance of assessing how the results of a statistical analysis will generalize to an independent dataset.]
  • (pathology) Initialism of coronavirus. [(virology) A member of the family Coronaviridae, comprising viruses which infect animals and human beings, and the genome of which consists of a single strand of RNA.]
  • (pathology) Initialism of cytolytic vaginosis.
  • Abbreviation of Carmel Valley, a city in San Diego county, immediately inland from Del Mar.


  • (medicine) Initialism of cardiovascular. [Relating to the circulatory system, that is the heart and blood vessels.]
  • (anatomy, medicine) Initialism of costovertebral. [(anatomy) Connecting a rib with the body of a vertebra]

Examples of "cv" in Sentences

  • Slide 2: Why people blog • For "cv" (potential employers, writing archive,
  • Three-stars are used for music that I like, but perhaps not easily categorized. cv thevpuli
  • Rudolph had been around and listed in his cv was a reference which would make instant believers out of Skynyrd.
  • Thro 'cv'ry hole he fncaks, thro* ev'ry jakes Plunging, he wades bcfmcar'd, and fondly hopesT In a fuperior dcnch to lofe his own:
  • I was able to grab a few things that undoubtedly help increase my damage potential, most notably the Heaven Shatterer bow (aka cv bow, aka debuff bow).
  • The police had no reason to be particularly interested in these items but a 'cv' could tell me a great deal more about a person than simply their work experience.
  • To make these "localized" campaigns even more effective, they incorporated regional-sounding domain names, such as, and
  • The Big Media and Academia clampdown on checking the cv has been the most peculiar journalistic phenomenon I can remember in my lifetime - well, since Adolph Schickelgruber anyway!

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