
IPA: dˈæfni

Root Word: Daphne


  • (Greek mythology) A dryad pursued by Apollo, who was turned into a laurel tree by the river god Peneus.
  • (astronomy) 41 Daphne, a main belt asteroid.
  • A female given name from Ancient Greek.
  • Any one of least 50 species of shrub in the genus Daphne of the family Thymelaeaceae, some of which are grown as ornamentals.

Examples of "daphne" in Sentences

  • From somewhere to my left the smell of daphne was lifted on the breeze.
  • I did catch the end of the daphne season and woke each morning to the glorious scent.
  • We need to enforce the territorial integrity of the law and require everyone who wants to come here to go through the legally correct process. daphne
  • You can easily find a good characterizing of daphne from the scoopy doo movies that sarah meshal geller played. .now that’s how the character should be.
  • “… You can easily find a good characterizing of daphne from the scoopy doo movies that sarah meshal geller played. .now that’s how the character should be …”
  • WHAT: Variegated winter daphne, also known as daphne odora aureomarginata, is a fragrant evergreen shrub that releases a sweet scent into the air in March and April.
  • I mean wtf. .daphne is supposed to be hot. .this one looks okay but she’s either fat or pregnant in her 4rth month which looks nothing like the athletic daphne we know.
  • "Oh, come here!" said Ellen, pulling him toward the flowerstand, – "and tell me what this daphne is like – you need not see that, only smell it, that's enough; – do John, and tell me what it is like!"
  • To Jules -- our most fragrant daphne shrubs are blooming as we speak -- a winter bloomer with the most gorgeous perfume ever -- it lifts my heart in winter while waiting for the Spring lift -- and I hope it will lift your heart when u may be grieving.

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