IPA: dˈæt
Root Word: DAT
- (computing, audio) Digital Audio Tape — a digital data storage tape format using a dual-spooled cartridge and magnetic tape, used for digital audio and data storage.
- (Canada, US) Acronym of Dental Admission Test.
- (dialectal, nonstandard, African-American Vernacular, MLE, Ireland, foreign accents, or humorous) Pronunciation spelling of that. [(degree) To a given extent or degree.]
Examples of "dat" in Sentences
- Z.E. R. "_Bis dat qui cito dat_" (Vol. vi., p. 376.).
- "Well, if you was to take dat on your shoulders an 'pitch' im into de sea, _dat_ wouldn't sabe her."
- Treasury, which is morbidly anxious lest in its transactions _bis dat qui cito dat_ should be literally illustrated.
- "Yes -- dat de way he do -- he move arm like _dat_," said Bippo; "we hurry to go to him, den he ain't here -- but _dere_."
- "Dunno, Miss; somehow we hear de Yankees was our friends, an 'dat we'd be free when dey come, an' 'pears like we believe _dat_."
- If the adage of _Bis dat qui cito dat_, be true, it is no less certain that he who denies at once, at length gives us something, for he gives us time.
- "I know dat," said Candace; "but as nigh as I could judge in my dream," she added, sinking her voice and looking mysterious, "as nigh as I can judge, _dat boy's soul was in his body! _"
- Fort Wurf iz rite smak dab in teh middul ov Texus, dat reel big state abowt 1/2 way betweenz teh pasifik oshun an teh Lantik Oshun….an awl teh wayz at teh bottum ov teh cowntri…..dat iz ina sowff direkchun.
- Any cow dat kin walk in so 'umble, after all de res' git done, an 'pick up a little scrap o' leavin's out'n de trough de way she do -- an 'turn it eve'y bit into good yaller butter -- _dat what I calls a cow!
- "Queen Elizabeth," says the same author, "was dilatory enough in suits of her own nature; and the lord treasurer Burleigh, being a wise man, and willing therein to feed her humor, would say to her; 'Madam, you do well to let suitors stay; for I shall tell you, _Bis dat qui cito dat_; if you grant them speedily, they will come again the sooner.'"