IPA: diditˈi
Root Word: DDT
- (professional wrestling) a move where a wrestler puts another wrestler into a standing front face lock and then falls backwards, driving the recipient's head into the floor.
- Abbreviation of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (“compound originally developed as an insecticide”) [(organic chemistry) A chlorinated hydrocarbon originally used as an insecticide, often abbreviated as DDT.]
Examples of "ddt" in Sentences
- DDT is suspected to cause cancer.
- The DDT had no effect on the birds.
- This is all covered at length in DDT.
- The DDT article cannot remain static.
- And DDT contamination of surrounding land.
- It is also known as a double arm DDT or a butterfly DDT.
- He was passionately opposed to the widespread spraying of DDT.
- The tornado DDT is also referred to as a swinging DDT/spinning DDT.
- This elevated DDT is a combination of backdrop and an inverted DDT.
- Discussion of the merits or otherwise of DDT belongs on the DDT page.