IPA: dˈɪr
Root Word: Deere
- A surname
- Archaic spelling of dear. [A very kind, loving person.]
- Archaic spelling of deer. [A ruminant mammal with antlers and hooves of the family Cervidae, or one of several similar animals from related families of the order Artiodactyla.]
- Ellipsis of John Deere. [A farm equipment manufacturer founded by John Deere]
- Archaic spelling of dear. [(Ireland, UK) High in price; expensive.]
Examples of "deere" in Sentences
- The majestic buck stood tall and proud, its antlers glinting in the sunlight
- The doe cautiously led her fawn through the dense forest, alert for any signs of danger
- The hunter quietly stalked the deere, waiting for the perfect moment to take his shot
- The deere gracefully bounded over fallen logs and through thick underbrush, displaying its agility
- The village elders told stories of a mystical white deere that brought good luck to those who caught a glimpse of it