IPA: dm
Root Word: DM
- (organic chemistry) adamsite, diphenylaminechlorarsine
- (rail transport, in multiple unit formations) driving motor car
- (colloquial) A Dr. Martens boot or shoe.
- (computing, DWH) Initialism of dimensional modeling.
- (logic) Initialism of De Morgan’s law.
- (money) Initialism of Deutsche Mark. [(historical, numismatics) The former currency unit of Germany (now replaced by the euro), abbreviated as DM or DEM.]
- (nutrition) Initialism of dry matter. [dry weight; a measurement of the mass of something when completely dried]
- (pathology) Initialism of diabetes mellitus. [A medical disorder commonly called diabetes, characterized by varying or persistent hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels), especially after eating.]
- (pathology) Initialism of dermatomyositis. [A disease of connective tissue, related to polymyositis, characterized by inflammation of the muscles and skin.]
- (physics, astronomy) Abbreviation of dark matter. [(astronomy, astrophysics, broadly) Matter which cannot be detected by its radiation but whose presence is inferred from gravitational effects.]
- (pharmacology) Abbreviation of dextromethorphan; also DXM. [(pharmacology) An opioid (some say merely an opioid-like substance) that is used as an antitussive drug (a cough suppressant) that is found in many over-the-counter cold and cough preparations; and as an NMDA blocker used to treat PBA (pseudobulbar affect).]
- (roleplaying games) Initialism of dungeon master. [(roleplaying games) A game master in Dungeons & Dragons games.]
- (Internet) Initialism of direct message (type of message on social media platforms). [(Internet) Synonym of private message.]
- Initialism of duty manager. [An employee having a managerial role, typically one of several such employees rotating in shifts and subordinate to the general manager.]
- (philosophy) Initialism of dialectical materialism. [(philosophy) The concept of reality in which material things are in the constant process of change brought about by the tension between conflicting or interacting forces, elements, or ideas.]
- (BDSM) Initialism of dungeon monitor. [(BDSM) A person charged with supervising BDSM activities at a play party or a BDSM club.]
- (soccer) Initialism of defensive midfielder. [(soccer) A midfield player who specialises more in defensive duties.]
- (underwater diving) Initialism of divemaster. [A person responsible for a group of underwater divers.]
- (UK) Initialism of Daily Mail. (a national newspaper)
- (linguistics) Initialism of Distributed Morphology.
- To Dungeon Master; to perform as a dungeon master; to run a tabletop role-playing game.
- To communicate by direct message, usually on a social website.
Examples of "dm" in Sentences
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