
IPA: drˈusʌn

Root Word: Drusen


  • Drusen, from the German word for node or geode (singular, "Druse"), are tiny yellow or white accumulations of extracellular material that build up between Bruch's membrane and the retinal pigment epithelium of the eye.

Examples of "drusen" in Sentences

  • And drusen is an early form of macular degeneration.
  • called drusen - that appear in the center of the retina, called the macula.
  • If drusen, the hallmark of AMD, are detected, your doctor may give you an Amsler grid, which looks like a checkerboard.
  • One other thing is, if a person has developed drusen, does that automatically mean they're going to get macular degeneration?
  • In the less severe "dry" form, accounting for the vast majority of cases, yellowish deposits called drusen accumulate beneath the macula.
  • Just because a patient develops drusen does not mean they will progress to full form -- full blown macular degeneration that significantly affects their vision.
  • In the CAPT, patients with signs of early AMD, defined as 10 or more large deposits known as drusen on the retina and vision 20 / 40 or better, initially completed a
  • Scientists at the University of Kentucky have made a key discovery regarding the abnormal deposits that cause the condition - and are already testing ways to block the formation of these yellow deposits, which are called "drusen."
  • The scientists, led by Dr. Jayakrishna Ambati, associate professor of ophthalmology at the university, found that people with "dry" macular degeneration are more likely to progress to the potentially blinding "wet" form when their drusen contain certain chemical components known as C3 and C5.

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