
IPA: dˈubiʌ

Root Word: Dubya


  • (often derogatory) A nickname for and abbreviation of George W. Bush.

Examples of "dubya" in Sentences

  • It’s in the history books, and currently dubya is OUR president, so enjoy.
  • Others may have been bad, but dubya is dangerous to us at home and globally.
  • October 7, 2002 prezzie dubya is on my tv. the word is NUCLEAR. sound it out.
  • It†™ s in the history books, and currently dubya is OUR president, so enjoy.
  • There are plenty of “out-of-office” Republicans you could name, and since dubya is still in office, I will give you another try …
  • Anytime you try to claim that dubya is illegitimate, I will remind you that Bill was not elected with a majority EVER and that he was IMPEACHED.
  • “Anytime you try to claim that dubya is illegitimate, I will remind you that Bill was not elected with a majority EVER and that he was IMPEACHED.”
  • The problem with dubya is that he’s so, uh, challenged that he doesn’t understand 80 percent of he hears and misses half of what’s left because he’s fantasizing about being a Top-Gun.
  • German newspapers reported that stockpiles of supplies for victims used as a backdrop in dubya’a visit Friday, were whisked away as soon as he left the area; the people got none of it.

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