IPA: ˈɛkt
Root Word: ECT
- (medicine) Initialism of electroconvulsive therapy. [(medicine) A biomedical therapy for severely depressed patients in which a brief electric current is sent through the brain of an anesthetized patient.]
- (theology, uncountable) Initialism of endless/eternal/everlasting conscious torment (“traditional view of the nature of Hell”).
Examples of "ect" in Sentences
- Shouldn't depegarse mean plane take off while despegar ...... take off lid label ect?
- : Shouldn't depegarse mean plane take off while despegar ...... take off lid label ect?
- NOPE they look at the addressing labels ect on the OUTSIDE to make sure it gets where its needed, when its needed.
- Please give model #s with brands because a$500 savage ect. is like a $20,000chevy or Ford only one or 2 models at that $.
- The e ff ect is strongest for women of lower socioeconomic status and for women in the central and late phases of their fertility cycle, consistent with stopping behavior.
- I can stand cheesiness at times, but when things are “inserted” randomly, just so that the viewer could understand that vampires had to be burned ect ect, is quite painful.
- What ends up happening on Union as you get off the freeway and you want to turn either left or right onto fifth, fourth, ect is that cars cannot turn because the cross walk is never clear on their green.