
IPA: ˈaɪnstaɪn

Root Word: Einstein


  • Albert Einstein, the world-famous 20th-century theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity.
  • A surname from German.
  • (sometimes sarcastic) An extremely clever or intelligent person.
  • (photochemistry, dated) One mole of photons, regardless of frequency, as used to measure irradiance.
  • (informal) A genius; a very smart person.
  • (by extension, informal, sarcastic) An idiot; a very stupid person.
  • (mathematics, physics) A shape that can be repeated to cover a plane with a nonrepeating pattern.

Examples of "einstein" in Sentences

  • Doesnt take einstein to work out who is in charge of who.
  • TrackBack (0) pushing a bose-einstein condensate over the cliff
  • Enough about Bush, he is a failure, let's move on~~ albert einstein
  • Look around you einstein, is the world safer? is the economy booming?
  • I will do a one-man version of 'einstein' for the upcoming season!! "
  • Individuals, barring ones being Private Tandey or albert einstein, have in no real sense any effect whatsoever.
  • Five People Born on January 21 albert einstein, anton lavey, cap anson, dean acheson, james parkinson, jane bolin
  • But its not perfect and to pretend it is is a very 'conservative' thing to do and means there will never be progress! albert einstein
  • Revisiting olegt's question about what will distinguish SR (einstein) from LR (lorentz) or any other relativity since experimentally both are for the most part indistinguishable.
  • Even though there are numerous studies that show this to be true, people still plop their kid down in front of the box and tell themselves that because they are watching “baby einstein” and not commercial tv it is okay.

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