IPA: ˈɛɫi
Root Word: Elli
- In Norse mythology (a subset of Germanic mythology), Elli (Old Norse: , "old age"Orchard is a personification of old age who, in the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, defeats Thor in a wrestling match.
- a personification of old age in Norse Mythology.
- an electoral ward for Llanelli Town Council and Carmarthenshire County Council in Llanelli, Wales.
Examples of "elli" in Sentences
- Posted: 3/22/2010 elli tkob - My review is now up!
- August 20, 2009 6:19 PM toronto realtor elli said...
- August 16, 2009 10:34 PM toronto realtor elli said...
- Gappawiak elli presentation - Presentation Transcript
- Just saw ur music on mtv, its awsome, very beatles meets weezer. yall rock. luv ya, elli p.s. - hot hair guys, keep it growin!
- Harvest Moon 64 Part 28 and so ends the last day of spring ... i gave the music box to elli because marias dream event ends the day basically and then she leaves .... meaning i should give the box to the next highest prority person
- Hugo of Saint Victor, (Dante's "Ugo di Sanvittore è qui con elli,") one of the most illustrious of Bacon's predecessors, translates, for instance, _mechanica_ by _adulterina_, as if it came from the Latin _moecha_, and derives _economica_ from
- Published: 2010-03-09 19: 20: 24+00: 00 and so ends the last day of spring ... i gave the music box to elli because marias dream event ends the day basically and then she leaves .... meaning i should give the box to the next highest prority person Drag to Playlist