IPA: fˈɛrʌnhaɪt
Root Word: Fahrenheit
- Describing a temperature scale originally defined as having 0°F as the lowest temperature obtainable with a mixture of ice and salt, and 96°F as the temperature of the human body, and now defined with 32°F equal to 0°C, and each degree Fahrenheit equal to 5/9 of a degree Celsius or 5/9 kelvin.
Examples of "fahrenheit" in Sentences
- i have yet to read old "fahrenheit" ... as well as le guin
- Just before the dough is done rising, preheat your oven to 400 degrees fahrenheit.
- Function Script: ConvertTocelsius ($fahrenheit) "$fahrenheit fahrenheit equals $ ((($fahrenheit -
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit and start some salted water boiling for the pasta in a big pot.
- Let us declare a voluntary moratorium on the use of the word "fahrenheit" or "celsius" in titles of films or descriptions of them.
- [Parameter (Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, valueFromPipeline = $true)] "$fahrenheit fahrenheit equals $ ((($fahrenheit - 32)/9) * 5) celsius"
- ConvertCelsiusToFahrenheit (30) InfoMessage ( "30 degrees celsius are" + Far + "fahrenheit") Note that although the ConvertCelsiusToFahrenheit method encapsulates an HTTP call to the server, the structure of the method, the HTTP setting and all other technical issues are hidden from the agenda author.
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