IPA: fˈæk
Root Word: FAQ
- (Internet) A list of questions said to be frequently asked, and their answers.
- Alternative letter-case form of FAQ [(Internet) A list of questions said to be frequently asked, and their answers.]
Examples of "faq" in Sentences
- Back in the dark ages, I discovered a great program called faq-o-matic.
- Everything in their faq is vague and couched in legalese, saying nothing.
- $location_url = append_sid ( "{$phpbb_root_path} search. $phpEx"); break; case 'faq':
- From the ATF faq, this in particular is from the Curio and Relic section but applies to all non FFL licensees.
- Even with the examples you provided in your faq about an anesthetic for rape or robbery, or even the Nazis killing the Jews.
- Spec. new @faq = @user. faq | | = Faq. new @blog = @user. blog | | = Blog. new end The blog management page itself is simple.
- Spec. new @spec = @user. spec @user. faq | | = Faq. new @faq = @user. faq end The two-variable definition pattern evident in this action is quite common, and each one can be condensed into one line as follows:
- Your faq does addresses the issue of personhood as determine subjectively unless we say a person is a member of the human species, no matter what, and too often people use an arbitrary concept of personhood to exclude others, or worse.
- The added function is virtually identical to the form for the spec: Listing 9.40 app/controllers/faq controller. rb # Edit the user's FAQ. def edit @title = "Edit FAQ" @user = User. find (session [: user_id]) @user. faq | | = Faq. new @faq =