IPA: fˈɑrk
Root Word: FARC
- Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia); Marxist, revolutionary guerrilla groups operating in Colombia
Examples of "farc" in Sentences
- Cocaine is used by the farc to purchase weapons and feed its army.
- Mae'n olrhain hanes Vincent Chase, actor ifanc golygus sydd ar fin gwneud ei farc ar Hollywood.
- Dr. David Spencer, of the National Defense University, in Washington, D.C., is perhaps the leading expert on the farc outside Colombia.
- Following the cinematic rescue of Ingrid Betancourt and 14 other hostages in July, is Colombia finally winning its battle with the farc guerrillas?
- In the 90s, the farc and other guerrilla bands took to stopping whole strings of cars on highways in order to pick out the people who would bring the largest ransom.
- Colombian army killed one of the worst terrorist in the world in the frontier and Ecuador which is protecting the farc terrorist group and joined forces with Venezuela to threat Colombia.
- Today, according to Alejandro Santos, the editor of Semana magazine, the Newsweek of Colombia, and a cousin of the defense minister, the farc are dominated by people who have grown accustomed to taking easy drug money for granted.
- Chávez, the fiery leftist autocrat who hates the United States and has designs on ruling the whole northern region of Latin America, has always been tight with the farc, which is officially designated a terrorist organization by the United States and the European Union.
- She called instead for giving the farc an opportunity to show a “new face” — not of “narco-trafficking or taking hostages” — to come in from the heat of the jungle and somehow enter the mainstream of Colombian politics: “I insist on the point of allowing the farc to have a space within Colombia where we can receive them with respect.”