IPA: ˈɛfdˈiˈɑr
Root Word: FDR
- (US politics) Initialism of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32ⁿᵈ US president.
- (New York City) Ellipsis of FDR Drive.
- Initialism of Federal Democratic Republic. [Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo (a country in Central Africa, larger and to the east of the Republic of the Congo; official name: Democratic Republic of the Congo; capital: Kinshasa).]
- Abbreviation of Congo. (Federal Democratic Republic of the Congo) [Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo (a country in Central Africa, larger and to the east of the Republic of the Congo; official name: Democratic Republic of the Congo; capital: Kinshasa).]
- Abbreviation of Ethiopia. (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia) [A country in East Africa.]
- Abbreviation of Nepal. (Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal) [A country in South Asia, located between China and India. Official name: Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. Capital and largest city: Kathmandu.]
- Abbreviation of West Germany. (German Federal Democratic Republic) [(historical, 1949–1990) The Federal Republic of Germany, distinguished from the German Democratic Republic ("East Germany").]
- Abbreviation of unified Germany. (Federal Democratic Republic of Germany) (post Cold War)
- (communication, electronics) Initialism of false transmit format detection ratio (in UMTS).
- (aviation) Initialism of flight data recorder. [(aviation) A device which records various performance parameters of an aircraft; designed to survive severe impact and fire to help in finding the causes of an accident.]
- (politics) Initialism of federal democratic republic.
- (statistics) Initialism of false discovery rate.
Examples of "fdr" in Sentences
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