Examples of "fisa" in Sentences
- Especially, the fisa court which is almost a rubber stamp.
- Forget about fisa there are much, much, much bigger issues at play here.
- Also, I was all over the fisa thing, like you are, but I am not any more.
- | Reply | Permalink also that story misrepresents want this fisa bill does.
- Submit a Comment • Trackback (0) • Related Topics: barack obama, fisa, liberals, middle
- Ask senator Obama …. .what exactly has changed in the last six months to prompt these flip flops … fisa hand guns
- Yes, to impeachment & resistance to voting against such bill of rights squashing acts like Patriot I & II, fisa, military commissions, bailout ...
- No. i mean, obama wants to hold them criminally accountable. the "netroots" and the anti-fisa people just want to make sure they can be sued in court.
- | Reply | Permalink can't obama's position on fisa be seen as actually being tougher on the telecoms and the lawbreakers than those who are against this bill are?