IPA: fɫˈeɪvɪn
Root Word: Flavin
- A surname from Irish.
- (biochemistry) Any of a class of tricyclic heterocyclic compounds derived from riboflavin; found especially as the adenine dinucleotide (FAD)
Examples of "flavin" in Sentences
- Add 6 oz. fustic or 1 oz. flavin to cutch bath, re-enter cotton.
- Obviously, everyone talks about the whole Prince motif on the cover, with the outfit, and the bike, and the flavin.
- The chemical reaction discovered by the researchers uses an enzyme called flavin-dependent thymidylate synthase, or FDTS.
- György initially asked Kuhn to isolate vitamin B2 from the livers of rats upon which he had been experimenting, but they quickly expanded their efforts, purifying flavin pigments from plants and animal materials.
- In addition to producing lactic acid, lactobacilli also have the ability to produce hydrogen peroxide through oxidation of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) by flavin nucleotide, which reacts rapidly with gaseous oxygen.
- His persistent studies of biological oxidation led to the recognition of the catalytic function of the C4-dicarboxylic acids, the discovery of «cytoflav» (flavin) and a recognition of the biological activity and probable vitamin nature of flavanone
- From the beginning, Kuhn assumed a fixed relationship between vitamin B2 and the flavins his assistants had isolated, especially after correlating the sensitivity of B2 to specific wavelengths of light and the absorption patterns of the flavin pigments.