
IPA: fˈaʊɫnʌs

Root Word: Foulness


  • An island off the east coast of Essex where the Thames estuary joins the North Sea.
  • The state of being foul.

Examples of "foulness" in Sentences

  • If the word for sex is foul, that leads us to associate sex with foulness.
  • There, in that glittering monument to the magnificence of Istanbul, they were not afraid to reveal its foulness as well.
  • And what modern people call the foulness and freedom of Fielding is generally the severity and moral stringency of Fielding.
  • The wind freshened, and the Pyrenees, despite the foulness of her bottom, won half a dozen miles away from the westerly current.
  • That's why you leap forward to apply foulness to the path ahead of me, so that when I get there others will smell your stink and think it's mine.
  • The stench of your lack of humanity, your lack of a soul, your lack of the basic concept of being a decent human is a foulness that envelops you like a second skin.
  • But he knew life, its foulness as well as its fairness, its greatness in spite of the slime that infested it, and by God he was going to have his say on it to the world.
  • The sun was not idle, and the steaming thaw washed the mud and foulness from the bergs till they blazed like heaped diamonds in the brightness, or shimmered opalescent-blue.
  • Standing in the stall, I carefully considered my logistical options: first thought was that I would have to take off my backpack and wing it – but this would mean placing it on the floor, directly in the sour water that emitted nothing but foulness.
  • But if anyone should wonder whether a purveyor of weekly ghost tales on television "A World Beyond", which I host, was rated number six in fall of '55, might come to feel undone by a case of extradimensional foulness, they shall herein find their answer.

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synonyms for foulnessdescribing words for foulness

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