IPA: fr
Root Word: Fr
- Abbreviation of Friday. Alternative form of Fr. [The sixth day of the week in many religious traditions, and the fifth day of the week in systems using the ISO 8601 norm; the Muslim Sabbath; it follows Thursday and precedes Saturday.]
- Initialism of functional requirement. [A condition or capability that a system, person or object has to satisfy, fulfill or comply with.]
- (Internet slang) Initialism of friend request. [request for friendship (on social media)]
- (Internet slang) Alternative letter-case form of FR (“friend request”)
- (Internet slang) Initialism of friend request. [(transitive) to send someone a friend request]
- (Internet slang) Alternative letter-case form of FR (“friend request”)
- (Internet slang) Initialism of for real. [(informal) Genuine, true; serious, earnest.]
- (proofreading) Initialism of flush right. [(typography) Alignment of the text aligned along the right margin or gutter.]
- (Internet slang) Initialism of for real. [Genuinely, truly.]
Examples of "fr" in Sentences
- If that's true, the phone will wrestle the title fr ...
- Agoravox. fr is one of the top 3 most visited French blogs.
- Good find. avidemux [fixounet.] is another alternative for many formats, cross platform and FOSS.
- Sam had learned about the incident thr ough a phone call fr om Terry, and he gave Jeff a word of warning.
- The attraction for the telecom group is Le Monde's website, LeMonde. fr, which is the most profitable part of the French newspaper and could complement France T
- Ccvufaléma, d; rt brob pálit naivfyrjuiiflB&If tobo ittrnofra voytotiati, bo Kjjma fr | ď til; a ni u grfcnom tláffteit přrbyua0r/fr« bolu | n. iVm-bpfra na | r pčigau?. tu trdoftt pam
-, which is 15%-owned by Washington Post Co., generated €1.3 million $1.66 million in revenue in 2011 and expects to turn a profit in 2012, says its managing director, Eric Leser .
- Research suggests that small, frequent doses of caffeine — like tea breaks, caffeinated mints, and even chocolate — do a better job of keeping your brain fr om feeling fatigued than jitter-inducing java.
- Edwards has been talking all along how against that stuff he is, and how he's never taken a dime, but now he'd got his old campaign manager raking in the bucks and spendign them on ads, like a proxy, and Edwards just says he can't do anything, or even condemn them and call fr them to be pulled?