IPA: frˈaɪɝ
Root Word: Frier
- A surname.
- Alternative spelling of fryer [A container for frying food.]
- Obsolete form of friar. [A member of a mendicant Christian order such as the Augustinians, Carmelites (white friars), Franciscans (grey friars) or the Dominicans (black friars).]
Examples of "frier" in Sentences
- I have never heard of so much oil except in a deep frier.
- Cossonnerie, and was a present; and a "frier" of the Rue de la Grande
- Then put the meet in to a frier for a few seconds and then cover in hot sauce.
- I know from experience the grill from a 350 degree deep frier can melt our portion bags.
- Yes | No | Report from victorytw228 wrote 50 weeks 6 days ago when I do our whitetail I use a turkey frier.
- In spite, however, of all the marauding, some terrible scores had to be run up with the "frier" of the Rue de la Grand Truanderie.
- This "frier," whose shanty leaned against a tumble-down house, and was propped up by heavy joists, green with moss, made a display of boiled mussels lying in large earthenware bowls filled to the brim with clear water; of dishes of little yellow dabs stiffened by too thick a coating of paste; of squares of tripe simmering in a pan; and of grilled herrings, black and charred, and so hard that if you tapped them they sounded like wood.