IPA: frˈɪndʒɪɫʌ
Root Word: Fringilla
- The genus Fringilla is a small group of finches from the Old World, which are the only species in the subfamily Fringillinae.
Examples of "fringilla" in Sentences
- Nam vel nulla ac orci vestibulum mattis fringilla sit amet lectus.
- Vivamus dignissim, enim at volutpat fringilla, quam tortor dapibus libero, sed ullamcorper metus leo a sapien.
- The towee bird (fringilla erythrophthalma) are very numerous, as are a species of bluish grey butcher bird (lanius.)
- After I had studied over the latter for a time, I remarked that every species almost that came from distant regions, such as South America, the coast of Guinea, etc., were thick-billed birds of the _loxia_ and _fringilla_ genera; and no