IPA: gʌbˈɑn
Root Word: Gabon
- A country in Central Africa. Official name: Gabonese Republic. Capital: Libreville.
Examples of "gabon" in Sentences
- This pair is the first to use ebony gabon as the main material.
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- Watch survivor gabon episode 4 live streaming video - survivor gabon episode -4
- The agur and gabon ( "good bye" and "good night" in Euskara) mingled with good night, slán and oíche mhaith!
- Here is gahisto, the devil, which comes from gaiztoa, evil; sorgabon, good night, which comes from gabon, good evening.
- Fri 02/12/10 2: 16 PM good riddance to her survivor career being over she was ok in gabon but did not deserve to be back again she's not an all star. not a good strategist
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