
IPA: gˈædʌfɔrmz

Root Word: Gadiformes


  • Gadiformes are an order of ray-finned fish, also called the Anacanthini, that includes the cod.

Examples of "gadiformes" in Sentences

  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 10-year trend (1990-1999, click on graph to enlarge) shows a marked decrease of gadiformes (cods, hakes and haddocks) catches in the early 1990s leading to the cod collapse of 1993-1994.
  • The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 10-year trend (1990-1999, click on graph to enlarge) shows a marked decrease of gadiformes (cods, hakes and haddocks) catches in the early 1990s leading to the cod collapse of 1993-1994.

Related Links

synonyms for gadiformesdescribing words for gadiformes

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