
IPA: gˈændʒiz

Root Word: Ganges


  • A river in India and Bangladesh, sacred within Hinduism

Examples of "ganges" in Sentences

  • (It is a little-known fact that Prince Charles is troubled by ganges down the inside of his arms.)
  • Imagine an early morning dip into the ganges in the holiest and oldest city of the world with steamy hot jalebis and curd following.
  • The river ganges is attached holy, and buying a websters dictionary definition of legacy in the package is surpassed to capture you of all your sins.
  • I was better today however on our beautiful morning boat trip for two up the ganges, where we saw the sun rise and the whole process (which I was rather more prepared for!).
  • Accomodation during Kumbh Mela 2010 Haridwar-The largest human gathering on earth by the river ganges to take the holy dip on special occassions (refer for details at www.
  • Modern toothed whales have no true lips anymore, but still their teeth aren´t visible when they close their jaws except oddballs like ganges river dolphins and males of narwhales and some beaked whales.
  • Camped. those 3 Islands are all opposit, Soon after we Camped two ganges of Buffalow crossed one above & the other below we killed 7 of them & a calf and Saved as much of the best of the meat as we could this evening, one man A Willard going for a load of meat at 170 yards distance on an Island was attact by a white bear and verry near being

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