
IPA: gˈænʌmid

Root Word: Ganymede


  • (Greek mythology) A Trojan boy who was abducted (either by Zeus or Eos), and ultimately became immortal in order to be Zeus' cupbearer.
  • (astronomy) A moon of Jupiter.
  • A servant boy or young waiter, particularly one who serves liquor.
  • A boy kept for pederastic purposes; a catamite.

Examples of "ganymede" in Sentences

  • "... h four seven ganymede point oh four seve ...."
  • And the twillingsons, ganymede, garrymore, turn in trot and trot.
  • The first scene shows Jupiter "dandling Ganymede upon his knee" -- "ganymede" was Elizabethan slang for a male prostitute.
  • "stevens ganymede will arrive in about ten hours direct carrier beam toward sun we can detect it and will follow it to wherever you are sirius."
  • ganymede. thing is, ganymede didn't recieve the consequences of io or europa. no, he's abducted by zeus to serve wine and be a plaything of the gods - particularly zeus - and what else happens to him? immortality in servitude. eternal luggage boy of heaven.
  • "Ganymede point oh four seven ganymede point oh four seven ganymede point oh four seven ..." endlessly the message was poured out into the ether, carried by a tight beam of ultra-vibrations and driven by forces sufficient to propel it well beyond the opposite limits of the orbit of Mars.
  • "... ymede all x stevens ganymede all x stevens ganymede all x placing and will keep sirius on plane between you and tellus circle fifteen forty north going tellus first send full data spreading beam to cover circle fifteen forty quince suggests possibility this message intercepted and translated personally I think such translation impossible and that he is wilder than a hawk but just in case they should be supernaturally intelligent ...."

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