IPA: gˈɛri
Root Word: Gary
- A surname from Middle English [in turn originating as a patronymic].
- A male given name transferred from the surname, popular from the 1940s to the 1970s.
- A number of places in the United States:
- A city in Lake County, Indiana, named after Elbert Henry Gary.
- A neighbourhood of Tampa, Florida.
- An unincorporated community in Howard County, Maryland.
- A minor city in Norman County, Minnesota, named after Garrett L. Thorpe.
- A city in Deuel County, South Dakota.
- A minor city in McDowell County, West Virginia, named after Elbert Henry Gary, and incorporated in 1971.
- shortened form of Gary Glitter (“anus”).
Examples of "gary" in Sentences
- Just sayin '. gary davis proud to be an american harbor oregon
- The comments from "gary", above, are a perfect example of why we need to elect Obama.
- No person with a conscience can support today's republican party. gary davis Harbor Oregon
- Pander, pander, pander ... afterall, that is what keeps you in office. gary davis Harbor Oregon
- I'm not saying what he did was right, but geez, give the guy a break – we're all only human … gary in OK
- If we can afford to fight wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, we can certainly afford national health insurance. gary davis Harbor Oregon
- An obvious case of the shit hitting the fan. also along with bellamy did anyone read sparky calling gary nevilles celebration lunatic.
- The American public is not going to stand for any more unread spending that is just a payoff for special interests. gary davis Harbor Oregon
- See, this is the kind of uneducated backwoods idiot that Hillary attracts, fools like "gary" here who post in all caps cause he doesn't know how to turn CAPS LOCK off and then spouts brainless crap like an outhouse-born retard.
- July 22nd, 2009 1: 24 pm ET gary davis Harbor Oregon July 22nd, 2009 12: 58 pm ET the only people that need to have a concealed weapon permit is those who transport large somes of money or are hired to protect someone or a group of people. average citizens don't need to have a permit to hide a weapon. more republican crap threats and fear