
IPA: gˈaʊsiʌn

Root Word: Gaussian


  • (mathematics) the Gaussian function.
  • (statistics) the normal distribution.


  • (mathematics) Of or pertaining to Carl Friedrich Gauss.
  • (statistics) Normal.
  • Alternative letter-case form of Gaussian [(mathematics) Of or pertaining to Carl Friedrich Gauss.]

Examples of "gaussian" in Sentences

  • 'gaussian' blur and set the 'gaussian radius' to its max which is 15.
  • The result will be a new gaussian income density curve, broader and flatter, but just as efficient.
  • With the grade inflation documented at any of the bond rating agencies, we might as well plot gaussian noise.
  • There is a countervailing trend to smear the left side of the density curve to the left, re-establishing a gaussian distribution.
  • There are some different flavors of random, such as gaussian or normally distributed, binomially distributed, Poisson distributed and the like.
  • I believe that I was sufficiently clear in my last post on why heredity causes a gaussian distribution in the expression of complex heritable characters.
  • Options markets have a volatility 'smile': the implied volatilities of the extremum strike prices are much higher than implied by gaussian distributions.
  • The self-reported height was skewed somewhere between one and two inches taller, but most dramatic was the 5'11 bin, which was about 25% smaller than what even the skewed gaussian would suggest.
  • If, among a population chosen at random, a degree of non-gaussian (i.e. non-bell-curve) nature is found in the distribution of IQ, it is evidence that you are dealing with not one race, but two or more.

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