IPA: goʊtˈɑmʌ
Root Word: Gautama
- (Buddhism) Siddhartha Gautama - the personal name of the Buddha.
- A surname from Sanskrit of Indian origin.
- A male given name from Sanskrit used in India; more often romanised as Gautam.
Examples of "gautama" in Sentences
- -- tony Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace. -- siddhartha gautama
- this teaching is echoed by ‘idiots’ like gautama buddha, mohandas gandhi, and his holiness the dalai lama. i will stand with them. i am imperfect. i am not a true pacifist yet, but i am striving to be one, and i hope that one day i will have the faith, hope, courage and integrity to endure suffering and lay down my life for the cause of peace::