
IPA: gb

Root Word: GB


  • (anatomy) Initialism of gallbladder.
  • (informal, pharmacology) Initialism of goofball (“barbiturate”). [(informal, often derogatory, sometimes endearing) A foolish or silly person or animal.]
  • (crystallography) Initialism of grain boundary. [An internal interface that separates neighbouring misoriented single crystals in a polycrystalline solid.]
  • Initialism of Great Britain. [The island (and sometimes including some of the surrounding smaller islands) off the north-west coast of Europe made up of England, Scotland, and Wales.]
  • Initialism of Gilgit-Baltistan. [An administrative territory of Pakistan, part of Pakistani-Administered Kashmir, as well as the wider Kashmir, region. Capital: Skardu.]
  • Abbreviation of Green Bay in Wisconsin, USA.
  • Initialism of Game Boy.
  • (chemistry, military) Initialism of German agent B (US designation for the nerve gas sarin).
  • Initialism of Guantanamo Bay. [A bay in Southeast Cuba.]
  • (linguistics) Initialism of Government and Binding.

Examples of "gb" in Sentences

  • The 250 gb is preferable, but don't look for backwards compatibility.
  • Run the Goggles Build script 'gb' to start compiling Goggles Music Manager.
  • I'm not sure who "gb" is but he wrote one of the letters I received abut last night's post.
  • Photoshop eats ram like crazy, and even with 4 gb (well, 3.25) it still takes a while to open harrykitten
  • If "gb" doesn't mean much to you it simply means it has more storage than a lot of personal computers and can store a LOT of songs.
  • I live in a country with a government-owned network …. $10 (us) per gb … for LANDLINE access … mobile is even more expensive …. so be careful what you wish for!
  • They can always change the title later on. moviefan for me i would perfer to see ivan director gb 3. since he knows the actors well and the characters/world well.
  • Gbzzl Tneergg naq uvf ynjlref ner vaqrrq jnfgvat gurve gvzr vs gurl ner gelvat gb svther bhg jung gurfr ovgf bs sbervta ynathntrf naq jrnxyl rapbqrq ebg13 pvcuref ner fnlvat nobhg gurz.
  • There is six computers running all the monitors, eac computer has a core i7 975, 24 gb of DDR 3 memory, two SLC SSDs in raid 0 and a large amount of nvidia NVS 420s as well as Nvidia 9800 GTs.

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