
IPA: gk

Root Word: GC


  • (video games) Nintendo GameCube
  • Initialism of gas chromatography. [gas-liquid chromatography]
  • (anatomy) Initialism of germinal center. [(anatomy, immunology) A site in lymph nodes and the spleen where mature B cells proliferate, differentiate, and mutate their antibody genes.]
  • (cycling) Initialism of general classification. [The overall standings in a bicycle stage race, based on a rider's total elapsed time in all stages of the race with the lowest time being the leader.]
  • (Australia, film classification, dated) Initialism of general classification. [The overall standings in a bicycle stage race, based on a rider's total elapsed time in all stages of the race with the lowest time being the leader.]
  • (programming) [(Canada, US) A service, generally run by local government, for transporting household garbage to the appropriate facility.]
  • Initialism of garbage collection. [(Canada, US) A service, generally run by local government, for transporting household garbage to the appropriate facility.]
  • Initialism of garbage collector. [(US, Canada) A worker who removes refuse.]
  • Initialism of good condition.
  • (biochemistry) Initialism of glucocorticoid. [(biochemistry, steroids) Any of a group of steroid hormones, produced by the adrenal cortex, that are involved in metabolism and have anti-inflammatory properties.]
  • (biochemistry) Initialism of guanylate cyclase.
  • (genetics, molecular biology) Initialism of guanine-cytosine.
  • (text messaging) Initialism of group chat. [(Internet) A simultaneous online chat between a group of people by means of a messaging application.]
  • (informal) Initialism of gender critical. [(informal) A person who holds gender-critical beliefs.]
  • (astronomy) Initialism of General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters.
  • (astronomy) Initialism of Boss General Catalogue.
  • (UK politics) Initialism of General Committee: the general management committee of a constituency party of the British Labour Party.
  • (UK) Initialism of George Cross: a medal presented to civilians and military personnel of the United Kingdom for actions which are not in the face of the enemy. [Britain's highest gallantry award for civilians and military personnel for actions which are not in the face of the enemy.]
  • (education) Initialism of Google Classroom.
  • (Internet) Initialism of group chat. [(Internet) A simultaneous online chat between a group of people by means of a messaging application.]


  • (programming) Initialism of garbage collect. [(programming) To reclaim resources which are no longer in use; to run a garbage collector.]


  • Initialism of gender-critical. [Critically examining the role of gender in a text, a person’s experiences, etc.]

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