
IPA: dʒˈidˈipˈi

Root Word: GDP


  • (economics) Initialism of gross domestic product. [(economics) A measure of the economic production of a particular territory in financial capital terms over a specific time period.]
  • (biochemistry) Initialism of guanosine diphosphate, a nucleotide.

Examples of "gdp" in Sentences

  • In general, sport sucess is largely a function of gdp.
  • Left: No Europs gdp is lower because it was always lower
  • Uk had a gdp growth arround 2,5% in the last 10 or 20 years.
  • List of countries gdp per capita ppp Wold bank 2009 from wikipedia:
  • A 9 percent annual negative growth rate and an overwhelming % increase in gdp has created an unsustainable monetary paradigm.
  • Eugene Robinson: The wars are a big contributing factor, and a growing economy will surely shrink the deficit as a percentage of gdp.
  • As far as I am concerned, there should be a fine for saying "gdp" starting at ten dollars and costs and doubling with every public offense. "
  • Ireland looks better than they deserve because so much gdp is just air bookings for tax evasion purpose, but still they are rich these days after 20 years with record high gdp growth.
  • In about a decade they have swollen to dwarf the whole world's gdp which is a mere 50 trillion compared to the back door deals between financial institutions worth between 600 and 700 trillion dollars as of last year.
  • Additionally there will need to use in your cash strategies apart will come without having a currency, trading (every losing trade on their trades in the combined with possibility that hot subject to trade can buy the pips for instance i hope the rules of the simplified summary when investors transactions are usually either or pulling trying to have been condensed and gdp which is not).

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