IPA: gˈɛˈɛnʌ
Root Word: Gehenna
- In rabbinical literature and Christian and Islamic scripture, the place where the souls of the wicked go after death, where they suffer eternal damnation or annihilation.
- Hell.
- A place of suffering and misery.
- The valley of Hinnom outside Jerusalem.
- Alternative letter-case form of Gehenna [In rabbinical literature and Christian and Islamic scripture, the place where the souls of the wicked go after death, where they suffer eternal damnation or annihilation.]
Examples of "gehenna" in Sentences
- The image of 'gehenna' and 'maggots' means decomposition.
- He saw in the dream Mary daughter of Heli was being punished in hell or gehenna as you stated.
- If you are a KJV only buff, then you can find many OT verses that use the word "hell", but those instances have been more appropriately changed in modern translations to "grave"/sheol/gehenna.
- Upon his arrival, by a somewhat ominous conjuncture, he had supped with some of the leading citizens in the hall of the "gehenna" or torture room, certainly not a locality calculated to inspire a healthy appetite.
- Jesus 'uses of the term gehenna warn of the danger of hell fire (Matt. 5: 22) and the relative insignificance of losing a bodily part (and going to heaven) in comparison to remaining whole but being wholly lost (Matt.
- Libet eos nunc interrogare qui domus marmoribus vestiunt, qui uno filo villarum ponunt precia, huic seni modo quid unquam defuit? vos gemma bibitis, ille concavis manibus naturae satisfecit; ille pauper paradisum capit, vos avaros gehenna suscipiet.
- My guess is that when priests first preached Christianity to the English they needed an Old English word to translate "gehenna" or "hades", asked the interpreter what his people called the bad place you go to after you die, and were told it was called "helle", after which the word became the standard term.