
IPA: gp

Root Word: GP


  • (roleplaying games, board games, video games) Initialism of gold piece. [(numismatics) A gold coin.]
  • (countable, healthcare) Initialism of general practitioner; also G.P. [A physician who provides primary care; treating acute and chronic illnesses and providing preventive care and health education; a family doctor.]
  • (uncountable, software, artificial intelligence) Initialism of genetic programming. [(computing) A search heuristic that explores the space of computer programs and is based on biological evolution.]
  • (sports) Initialism of games played.
  • (grand strategy video games) Initialism of great power. [(international relations) A state that has the ability to exert its influence on a global scale.]
  • (slang) Initialism of general principle.
  • (uncountable, slang) Initialism of general public. [Those members of the public who have no special role in a particular area, such as an airport, hospital or railway station; there will typically be restrictions on their access.]
  • (countable) Initialism of guinea pig. [A tailless rodent of the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia, with short ears and larger than a hamster; the species Cavia porcellus is often kept as a pet.]
  • (countable, astronomy) Abbreviation of green pea galaxy. [(astronomy) A type of galaxy, found in the local universe, that are active, undergoing high rates of star formation, which provides a green tinge, and are compact, visually appearing akin to peas. These active galaxies have strong oxygen emission lines and no active galactic nucleus (“AGN”), similar to small galaxies in the distant early universe, but unlike those in the nearby contemporary universe.]
  • (Internet) Initialism of grandparent poster; the person two levels up in a nested conversation thread.
  • (politics) Initialism of Green Party. [The particular green party of a country or region.]
  • (sports, motor) Initialism of Grand Prix. [any of several international races, especially one of a series for Formula One racing cars]


  • Initialism of general-purpose. [for general purposes; all-purpose]

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