IPA: hˈækʌɫz
Root Word: Hackles
- the erectile plumage or hair in the neck area of some birds and mammals.
Examples of "hackles" in Sentences
- 'hackles' up, and waiting for the enemy with an ominous growl.
- Long, thin hackles are best: They move easily in the water and don't impede your casting.
- Now, however, the statue is raising hackles among the city's business and financial establishment.
- Like I said, that was just my impression at the time and it didn't raise any of my "hackles," or "heckles."
- Lots of times, gals get in hackles about voluptuous panty-flashing video game vixens and the game camera's decadent worship of their rendered flesh.
- And in twenty minutes, a long and lanky 80 pound gray wolf with black hackles stepped out of the timber below, looking for the source of the calling.
- Back in 1999 when Thomas Keller's "French Laundry Cookbook" came out with fiendishly difficult recipes, he raised hackles by asserting that cooking is not about shortcuts.
- What really raises Madison Avenue’s hackles is the potential for Google to become Universal Advertising Inc.: a sprawling presence that brokers highly targeted ads across all media.
- Second, Chinese official aid to unsavory governments in order to lubricate OFDI contracts raises governance and humanitarian concerns and, therefore, hackles among developed country governments.
- What raises my hackles about this post -- and, mind you, my hackles are my responsibility, not yours -- is its (wholly unintentional) echo of part of the bizarrely illogical conception of the Jews by Christian propagandists.