
IPA: hˈægeɪ

Root Word: Haggai


  • A book of the Old Testament of the Bible and the Tanakh.

Examples of "haggai" in Sentences

  • Haggai is one of the Biblical minor prophets.
  • Haggai started his musical life as a DJ in a famous dance club in Israel.
  • May 8th, 2007 at 12: 10 am thanks, haggai! btw, i see olmert hangs in there, so we shall see …. blah Says:
  • May 1st, 2007 at 10: 30 am at the time of the lebanon war, i bet my posting buddy haggai that olmert would be out within a year. i have a few months to go, but i’m looking good.
  • We now frequently saw Indians, who were strung along the river at every little rapid where fish are to be caught, and the cry _haggai, haggai_, (fish,) was constantly heard whenever we passed near their huts, or met them in the road.
  • May 1st, 2007 at 1: 32 pm i’m curious, though, haggai: are you aware of any israeli polling on the question of “in retrospect, do you think the war was: a.) a good idea gone awry through poor leadership; b.) a bad idea?” now that would be interesting ….
  • May 1st, 2007 at 2: 08 pm haggai, for the record, and not to put too fine a point on it, “a limited military response followed by diplomatic/political efforts” is saying “the war was a bad idea.” it concedes that the cost-benefit calculus didn’t favor war.
  • May 1st, 2007 at 12: 50 pm as for the basis of dissatisfaction, at some point, haggai, when the criticisms of the government include, as this report does, a failure to look at alternatives to war and a failure to assess the costs of war, i’m not sure we can anymore divide things into a “he failed because he chose war” and “he failed to deliver the war competently.”
  • May 28th, 2007 at 12: 29 pm haggai, i got distracted by freddie. what i meant to say was that i think kevin garnett’s quote that you dug up pretty much says it all about kevin mchale in management: high basketball IQ, no real desire to work hard (that used to be bird’s critique of mchale, too, although woe-be-the-non-celtic who would criticize mchale in the same terms in bird’s presence).
  • May 5th, 2007 at 3: 22 pm beckya57 needs a little more historic perspective! meanwhile, haggai and i are on the same page: while i don’t rule out a chicago win (that’s why they play ‘em on the court), detroit in the first round did exactly what championship teams do: they defended well, they moved the ball, they had a modest level of turnovers, they executed the offense in the 4th quarter.

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