
IPA: hˈændz

Root Word: Hands


  • A surname.

Examples of "hands" in Sentences

  • But he her suppliant hands, those _hands of gold_,
  • _Having_ skill with _both_ hands (as if both were _right hands_).
  • It is better to say _the hands of the clock_ than _the clock's hands_.
  • Take this letter to the address upon it, and give it into his own hands -- remember, _his own hands_.
  • 'And he said to the king of Israel, Put thine hand upon the bow,' and he put his hand upon it; and '_Elisha put his hands upon the king's hands_.'
  • Whenever the fingers and hands are used at all, it would seem natural to expect for 5 some general expression signifying _hand_, for 10 _both hands_, and for 20
  • Little children and inquisitive young ladies are knocked down or blackened in coiling the hawser, by “hands” who, being nothing but _hands_, evidently cannot say, “I beg your pardon, miss.”
  • With further lack of modesty she stretched out two rounded arms worthy of Juno, ending in finely molded hands -- when I say _hands_ I am not exact, for, strictly speaking, only one hand could be seen, and that held a richly embroidered handkerchief.
  • _Shaab-al-Yadayn_, it is to be noted that it is a great shelf far to seaward of the northern end of the great bay, all of it above water, like two extended arms with their hands wide open, whence its Arabic name which signifies _shelf of the hands_.
  • Cb. If it be ne'er fo falfe, a true gentleman may fwear it in the behalf of his friend: and I'll fwear to the Prince, thou art a tall fellow of thy hands, aod that thou wilt not be drunk; but I know, thou art oo tall fellow of thy hands; and that thou wilt be drunk j but ril fwear it; and, I would, thou would'ft be a tall feUow of thy hands*

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