
IPA: hˈæŋks

Root Word: Hanks


  • A surname originating as a patronymic.
  • An unincorporated community in Williams County, North Dakota, United States.

Examples of "hanks" in Sentences

  • She had a lot of hanks.
  • I needed a lot of hanks.
  • He could out act anyone i can think of well tom hanks is badass.
  • "Didn't mean to rob ye, Toby," said Bud, as he wrenched a huge mouthful from one of the "hanks" to test the quality.
  • Wed 11/04/09 5: 23 PM eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! i’m always happy when colin hanks gets work and to be able to see him week after week!!
  • For convenience in handling, both raw and thrown silk are made into large skeins called hanks, and most of the silk product is exported in this form.
  • He left the room, and in a few minutes returned with three or four big "hanks," which he handed to his visitor with the request that the latter would accept them with his compliments.
  • The hanks may be manipulated in two ways: they may be either kept in separate hanks, which is the method mostly in vogue in modern bleach-houses, or they may be linked together in the form of a chain.
  • I received several memorial "hanks" of yarn, with messages from the donors that "they would keep me in knitting-work while preaching woman's rights on the railroad" -- a reference to my practice of knitting on the cars, and the report that
  • The lint was then carded by hand, spun on home made wheels, then reeled into what were called "hanks," by use of home-made reels, then the warp was prepared for the home-made loom, by a variety of processes, all tedious and slow and all the work done by the house mother and her helpers.
  • A roaring fire of dry wood, peat and coal lighted up this snug but spacious apartment -- flashing on pots and pans, and dressers high-piled with pewter plates and dishes; and making the uncertain shadows of the long "hanks" of onions and many a flitch and ham, depending from the ceiling, dance on its glowing surface.
  • The chain of hanks passing through between the two bowls has the surplus liquor squeezed out of it, and as there is considerable increase in the thickness at the points of linkage between the hanks, when these pass through the bowls they lift up the top bowl, which, when the thick places have passed through, falls down with a sudden bump upon the thin places, and this bumping drives out all the surplus liquor and drives the liquor itself into the very centre of the hanks, which is sometimes an advantage.

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