
IPA: hˈɛrʌd

Root Word: Herod


  • The name of any of a number of members of the Herodian dynasty who ruled in the Roman province of Judea, most notably Herod the Great, who ordered the Massacre of the Innocents, or Herod Antipas, his son, who met Jesus during his Passion.

Examples of "herod" in Sentences

  • Great Job ... congrats! adam herod (Raleigh): Congrats team!
  • Current Music: crown me king- "moses in the reads, herod & pharoh"4 gunslingers | crown me king
  • My brother shews unto them the Image which [re] presented the flight of Joseph and holy mary with the child Jesus, to avoid the anger of herod, and the
  • I internet dsl speed that one day we parsiism herod a unperformed obnoxiousness florio, but it synchro be unexcited up of oxidized antipodean tropaeolaceae.
  • (For Virgil and Nativity play and prophecy see authorities in Comparetti, "Virgil in Middles Ages", p. 310 sqq.) "To out-herod Herod", i.e. to over-act, dates from
  • Simon-Pure Southerner from the very fact of their nativity, and visited with the most horrible retribution wherever they have shown a leaning toward the land of their birth, they find it necessary to out-herod
  • That being said with people like hitler, stalin, pol pot, herod (maybe lol) making up part of earths history i have no doubt there are groups of people who sit around a table, sip cognac and talk about taking over the planet.
  • In out heroding-herod in the way of splendour, showy dresses and expensive machinery, the Masque soon fell into decay; and, as Ben Jonson states, "The glory of all these solemnities had perished like a blaze, and gone out in the beholder's eyes; so short-lived are the bodies of all things in comparison with their souls."

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