IPA: hˈɪɫɝi
Root Word: Hillary
- A unisex given name from Latin
- A female given name from Latin Hilaria.
- A male given name from Latin Hilarius, variant of Hilary.
- A surname originating as a patronymic.
Examples of "hillary" in Sentences
- June 2nd, 2008 3: 44 pm ET this isnt news anymore, hillary is DONE!
- I can't think of anything more undemocratic than this process that hillary is trying to create.
- May 1st, 2008 6: 29 pm ET hillary is into it over iran bless you cnn for running it we will go to war again if dhe wins
- Once hillary is gone, he can focus his undivided attention on mccain and show the people of this country once and for all how much of the same the republicans are offering.
- So does that mean hillary is just telling people what they want to hear, even though the economists say it won't help, and some of these people are saying "yeah, she understands us".
- Yes | No | Report from james t wrote 1 year 41 weeks ago anything that eliminates hillary is good for me regardless of what it is and people are finally starting to see what the terrorist is ... just that!
- Talk about the trail that hillary is facing she and Bill now thats a legitmate topic and discussion, talk about mccain and how he went after a pastor bishop haggi what ever he was his views wasn't to far off.
- July 3rd, 2009 3: 26 pm ET can't see how a broken, fractured, elbow would keep anyone down from doing a white collar job such as sot. realize hillary is up there in age and that there might be some complications but not returning to her position as sot full time, something wrong here. could be she is just a wuss but kind of doubt it.
- April 30th, 2008 3: 17 pm ET you obama supporters are all rude. remember if you don't have something nice to say about a person don't say anything. i see alot of you say hillary is fat and lies. i guess none of you ever tell lies and are not fat. you all sound like you are in third grade. grow up and say something that has some support.
- May 13th, 2008 10: 27 am ET doesn't matter who obama picks, because hillary is going to be the next president. the UNITE AND WRITE campaign will be a reality if hillary is cheated out of the nomination. hillary owes the democrats nadda for the horrific treatment she has been given by them. loyalist of hillary UNITE AND WRITE our candidates name on the ballot in November.