
IPA: hɑndˈʊrʌs

Root Word: Honduras


  • A country in Central America. Official name: Republic of Honduras.

Examples of "honduras" in Sentences

  • Category: honduras, it's all because of the jooooooooos, manuel zelaya
  • In the World Cup 1982, Got those of honduras, new zealand and checoslovaquia?
  • If those pesidents could just leave her in honduras one week, they could see what Mel has caused.
  • En #honduras no hubo golpe de estado, el estado de derecho continúa, la constitución sigue vigente.
  • In #honduras there was no coup d'etat, the rule of law continues, the Constitution remains in effect.
  • "'Thank the Lord, we have left the deep waters (honduras)' that being the Spanish word for unfathomable depths.
  • ` ` ` Thank the Lord, we have left the deep waters (honduras) 'that being the Spanish word for unfathomable depths.
  • Saw haynes brand do that to NC so they could make cheaper cloth (not better mind you) in china and honduras. historian
  • If the US really gave a crap about democracy and freedom, why are we tacitly supporting the coup plotters in honduras?
  • April 21st, 2010 at 6: 18 pm sir. b.vonludwig says: of course it was about regime change …. kind of like barry did with honduras? kind of like barry is trying to do with israel? how about barry worry about driving around book depositories rather than what israel is doing to defend itself.

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