
IPA: ˈiʌ

Root Word: IA


  • Iowa, a state of the United States of America.
  • (military, uncountable) Initialism of Indian Army.
  • (India, initialism) Initialism of Indian Airlines.
  • (military) Initialism of Iraqi Army.
  • (computing) Initialism of Intel Architecture.
  • Initialism of Ice Age.
  • Initialism of immediate action. (the procedure to determine the cause of a rifle stoppage)
  • Initialism of Institute of Arts.
  • (computing) Initialism of information assurance. [The practice of assuring information and managing risks related to the use, processing, storage, and transmission of information or data and the systems and processes used for those purposes.]
  • (law enforcement) Initialism of internal affairs. (a department responsible for investigating complaints against police officers) [(US, law enforcement) A division of a law enforcement agency investigating incidents and plausible suspicions of lawbreaking and professional misconduct attributed to officers on the force.]
  • (military) Initialism of individual augmentee.
  • (linguistic morphology) Initialism of item-and-arrangement.
  • (grammar) Initialism of internal argument.
  • (politics) Initialism of international affairs. [Synonym of international relations, commonly abbreviated as IA.]
  • Initialism of industrial action. [(chiefly Britain, Ireland) A workplace protest by employees designed to inconvenience or disrupt the business of the employer.]
  • Initialism of Impact Assessment.

Examples of "ia" in Sentences

  • Samuel, die executor and heir, affigned the term ia
  • \ "Baiklah baca ini, \" maka ia akan menjawab: \ "Aku tidak dapat membaca."
  • Chelsea reserve team winger Miroslav Stoch played the full game in Slovakia Under
  • Shopping for DVD's only in Slovakia/Czech Republic/Estonia would greatly limit your selection.
  • When he was offered the chance to return to the Eighteenth, since Varus was growing edgy about the potential for trouble with the tribes in Germania, he leaped at the chance.
  • Investor dengan pengembalian yang sama dengan risiko yang karakter tersebut lebih berbeda, maka ia akan lebih suka mengambil cenderung bersikap hati-hati investasi dengan risiko yang lebih besar.
  • We know so little of Hretha that many interpretations are possible, and certainly a goddess called Nerthus was of great importance to at least some of the Germanic peoples Tacitus mentions her in Germania and may have had other names.
  • With my girlfriend fiancee having a full-time job and week-end university study commitments I have promised to take the lead in organising the wedding which I think will take place in Prague but with an additional service/celebration in Slovakia/UK at some point.

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