IPA: ˈɪi
Root Word: Ii
- A surname from Japanese.
- (Hong Kong) Initialism of illegal immigrant. [(countable, sometimes offensive) Someone who has immigrated into a country by bypassing customs and immigration controls.]
Examples of "ii" in Sentences
- Aennchen, Cinderella sometimes called in German, ii.
- It may be added that kildee ii the Danish word for a spring.
- Go Obama ii is about time for this country to come together ....
- Courts of Justice, judgments and proceed - ings in, to be in English, ii. 33o.
- K: li. ii T. i\! ii\, D. D.ifl Knin., and tiiiee l. icutcuants, Joojl Ko\/:: a\ An -
- Through the good offices of the webghoul, Ink & Steel Act I scene ii is also now available to you.
- 'Not a ducat; there ii nothing to be got by ii». fiiriag, exoqtt tlw Hups arc to be cafl sway: my fhip!
- Sir Charles saw me in grief, and forgot his own, to applaud my humanity, as he called ii, and sooth me.
- Often referred to as a ii-V-I progression, this sequence features a pre-dominant chord (the ii or ii7) and an authentic cadence (dominant chord to tonic chord, the V7 - I movement).
- President Obama has suggested three names to the Holy See (including that of Caroline Kennedy, daughter of John F Kennedy), all of whom fulfil criterion 'i' but none of whom meet person specification 'ii' - they are all 'pro-choice'.