
IPA: ˈaɪk

Root Word: Ike


  • A diminutive of the male given name Isaac.
  • (numismatic slang) An Eisenhower dollar.

Examples of "ike" in Sentences

  • "I 'ike 'em all," remarked Trouble, while Janet was rubbing the big
  • o Hilo, me Hamakua, ia manawa ka ike ana mai a ka Makaula ia Aiwohikupua
  • Waka ma ka moeuhane e hoihoi ia Laieikawai i Paliuli, mamuli o ka ike a ka Makaula.
  • "Do wivers do to bed dus 'ike' ittle dirls?" demanded Tot, whose young existence was embittered by that seemingly needless ceremony.
  • The bottom right front corner has a embossed circles, kind of ike a stamp of authenticity, and in French it reads Pur beurre de cacao.
  • Note that my point in using terms ike "responsible homeowners" and "feckless speculators" is not about shifting the terms of the debate.
  • With oil platforms, gasoline refineries, and other key facilities all affected by the hurricane, it's no wonder this storm put the "ike" in the phrase "gasoline price spike."
  • In the team's most finely timed routines—ike their now-classic mash-up of Sondheim's "Getting Married Today" with Jon Hendricks 's "Cloudburst"—they're as much Abbott & Costello as Lambert, Hendricks and Ross.
  • So people come to their platform, read the sign, jump straight up in the air and say "Ach!" ike cartoon characters, point and chatter to each other, and then run down the stairs to try to run to catch the subway so that they can just miss their northbound train in Furth.

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