
IPA: ˈɪmf

Root Word: IMF


  • (UN) Initialism of International Monetary Fund. [The international organization entrusted with overseeing the global financial system by monitoring foreign exchange rates and balance of payments, as well as offering technical and financial assistance when asked.]
  • (fiction) Initialism of Impossible Mission Force, a fictional spy organization from the Mission: Impossible franchise.

Examples of "imf" in Sentences

  • Labels: banana republic, banks, imf posted by dubjay at 5:10 PM
  • Thoughts on "bis, fsf, fsb, imf your friendly neighbourhood watchdogs"
  • How about the world bank and imf really helping people rather than running a capitalistic extortion regime.
  • You must ask the imf and concerned central banks to prepare this plan for June 2009, with an implementation date of January 1st, 2010.
  • Against imf and world bank but for single-payer, if it weren't for the single-payer healthcare, I'd link you to an anarchist group so you could join.
  • However, on the broader issue of the deficit, I would recommend that you look at what the IMF is saying about this today on its website (www.
  • That whole world bank/imf/loan debt situation that Jamaica is staggering under counts to me as necessary homework, but I know I'm just prone to privileged crazytalk like that. tags: free range unicorns
  • Then they tell us to shut-up and sit down when we take a stand for single payer healthcare, or when we protest against what the world bank and imf are up to, and when we fight against racism, fascism and fight for human rights.
  • The best source for debt data is the online IMF Balance of Payments database which includes the detailed International Investment Position (subscription only I'm afraid but you can get a 3-day free trial to play around) available at imf. org.

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